Press releases

20 November 2009

LLC «Engineering and Design Center of New Generation» is working on the Kurgan load node reconstruction project

LLC «Engineering and Design Center of New Generation» is working on the Kurgan load node facilities and systems reconstruction projects for OJSC «Kurganenergo». This will increase reliability of the Kurgan power supply.

18 November 2009

Administrative and auxiliary blocks are being constructed on the Kurgan CHPP-2 site.

The administrative and auxiliary blocks are being built on the Kurgan CHPP-2 site. At present structural steel installation of both the buildings is being finished.

26 October 2009

GT unit and ST unit foundations are completed on the Chelyabinsk CHPP-3 power unit under construction

CJSC «Intertechelectro» is continuing to construct a 220 MW CCGT power unit, Chelyabinsk CHPP-3 (OJSC «Fortum») 3rd power unit.

21 October 2009

Bridge crane installation has been launched on the Kurgan CHPP-2

The 1st bridge crane installation has been launched at the Kurgan CHPP-2 turbine building.

24 September 2009

MES of Center has launched complete modernization of the 220 kV Rayonnaya substation

MES of Center, branch of OJSC «FSK UES» has launched complete reconstruction of the 220 kV Rayonnaya substation (city of Vladimir).

22 September 2009

The 1st Kurgan CHPP-2 project Siemens steam turbine has been delivered to site

The 1st Siemens SST-400 steam turbine for the Kurgan CHPP-2 has been delivered to the site. The 2nd steam turbine delivery is expected by the end of 2009.

21 September 2009

Signing of Agreement on appropriation of funds for the Kurgan CHPP-2 thermal capacity output circuit construction

At the International investment forum “Sochi-2009” held in the city of Sochi, on September 19, 2009 there was signed Agreement on appropriation of budgetary outlays from the RF Investment fund and Kurgan region budget resources for implementation of the regional investment project «Kurgan CHPP-2 construction».

14 September 2009

The Kurgan CHPP-2 project has been presented at the “Fuel&power sector innovation technologies” exhibition

The “Intertechelectro-New Generation” group of companies took part in the “Fuel&power sector innovation technologies” exhibition held under the VIth Forum of interregional cooperation of the Russian Federation and Republic of Kazakhstan in the city of Orenburg.

08 September 2009

Personnel replacements in the «Intertechelectro-New Generation» group of companies.

The «Intertechelectro-New Generation» group of companies is informing of its personnel replacements

28 August 2009

Commissioning works are being performed at the 1st power unit of the Noyabrsk CCGT PP

Commissioning works are being fulfilled on the 1st power unit major equipment of the Noyabrsk CCGT PP (YNAO). The 1st power unit steam turbine is put to the hydraulic ratchet pump.

21 August 2009

CJSC «Intertechelectro» has started to extend the 220 kV open switchgear of the Chelyabinsk CHPP-3 power unit under construction

CJSC «Intertechelectro» has started to extend the 220 kV open switchgear of the Chelyabinsk CHPP-3 (OJSC «Fortum») 3rd power unit under construction.

13 August 2009

Mobile staff meeting on Kurgan CHPP-2 construction has been held

Mobile staff meeting on construction of the Kurgan CHPP-2 has been held in Kurgan.

11 August 2009

LLC «EDC-NG» is proceeding to work on the Razdan CHPP power unit #5 modernization

LLC «Engineering & Design center of New Generation» is proceeding to work on the Razdan CHPP power unit #5 modernization project (Republic of Armenia).

28 Jule 2009

CJSC «Intertechelectro» is completing structural steel installation of the Chelyabinsk CHPP-3 power unit under construction

CJSC «Intertechelectro» is completing installation works on the main building structural steel of the Chelyabinsk CHPP-3 (OJSC «Fortum») 3rd power unit– 220 MW CCGT power plant.

15 Jule 2009

The Kurgan CHPP-2 cooling tower is manufactured

At the FANS facilities (city of Hlinsko, Czech Republic) there was manufactured and tested the cooling tower for the Kurgan CHPP-2 under construction. The cooling tower will be shipped to the CHPP site in the near future.

23 June 2009

The Kurgan CHPP-2 gas turbines tests are completed

In Belfort (France), at the GE Energy facilities there were conducted the tests of the GE 6FA two gas turbines for the Kurgan CHPP-2 under construction. Such turbines will be installed for the first time in Russia. The inspection revealed complete readiness of the equipment for the site delivery and further operation.

15 June 2009

LLC «Service New Generation» presented a new business direction

Within the All-Russia conference “Power industry modernization-2009” the LLC “Service New Generation” presented an innovative business direction on complex maintenance of power industry facilities.

02 June 2009

«Intertechelectro-New Generation» group of companies is awarded for the best solution in the project management systems implementation

«Intertechelectro-New Generation» group of companies took a prize in the nomination of «Best implementation of typical solution for construction projects management». The medal ceremony passed under the VIII International conference on project management «PMSOFT and PRIMAVERA - successful investments in industry and construction».

01 June 2009

DCS installation is completed at Noyabrsk CCGT power plant

The DCS has been installed at the Noyabrsk CCGT power plant (Yamalo-Nenets autonomous district). It will permit to simplify the plant control and increase its efficiency.

19 May 2009

LLC «EDC-NG» is proceeding to work on Razdan CHPP power unit #5 modernization

LLC «Engineering & Design center of New Generation» is proceeding to work on the Razdan CHPP power unit #5 modernization project (Republic of Armenia).