DCS installation is completed at Noyabrsk CCGT power plant

01 June 2009

Distributed Control System (DCS) is a complex of soft- and hardware designated for automated control of the plant equipment. It permits to lower the human factor impact on controllable processes, reduce operation personnel, minimize expenses, increase substantially production efficiency, etc. The principal functions of such systems include control, data exchange, information accumulation, handling and storage, automatic regulation, diagram and report construction.

The Noyabrsk CCGT power plant DCS is built on the basis of modern Russian equipment by CJSC «PIK Progress». The power plant major and auxiliary equipment has the sensors installed, the information from which will be transmitted to the DCS controllers. There out the equipment status data will be transferred to the operation board what will permit to govern power units and respond promptly to any changes in the machines functioning. To fulfill commissioning works the LLC «Service New Generation» experts together with EB CJSC «Engineering company KVARTZ» designed a simulation model of the CCGT power unit where all the set of DCS algorithms (remote control, process protections and interlocks, automatic regulation, stepping programs, etc.) was tested

The Noyabrsk CCGT power plant is one of the most innovative facilities of such kind in Russia. The power units comprise the 42 MW General Electric PG6581 gas turbine, HRSG produced by OJSC «ZIO-Podolsk» and 20 MW steam turbine (OJSC «Kaluga turbine plant»). The Noyabrsk CCGT power plant is constructed by the «Intertechelectro-New Generation» group of companies. The station installed electric capacity is 124 MW, the thermal one being 90 Gcal/h. The power plant constitutes the first stage of implementation of the “Industrial Urals-Polar Urals” Project power unit. This power plant is an entity of wholesale electricity market and is included into the summary forecasted balance of electric power generation and supply within the framework of UES of Russia.