General Electric experts are training Noyabrsk CCGT power plant personnel
23 April 2009

The engineering staff of the Noyabrsk CCGT power plant (Yamalo-Nenets autonomous district) undergoes special training on General Electric MARK VI. The knowledge the employees get will help them to create programs for the equipment control and its further operation.
Personnel training for the GE gas turbines operation skills is a multi-stage process. The first step is dedicated to the gas turbine operation and maintenance. At the second phase the staff was studying the generator excitation system. At present the DCS engineers and experts are getting acquainted with the MARK VI gas turbines control system. Having finished the training, the Noyabrsk CCGT power plant employees will obtain certificates witnessing their qualification and GE equipment working skills.
Training is mandatory for the employees of the power plants that are equipped with the General Electric machines. The supplier isn’t only supervising the equipment installation and commissioning but is preparing staff for the turbines operation.
The PG6581 gas turbines installed at the Noyabrsk CCGT power plant represent up-to-date process equipment with high efficiency and low operation costs. These are average-power units designated for energy production in simple cycle or generation of power and heat in combined cycle.
The Noyabrsk CCGT power plant is constructed by the «Intertechelectro-New generation» group of companies. The station installed electric capacity is 124 MW, the thermal one being 90 Gcal/h. The power plant constitutes the first stage of implementation of the “Industrial Urals-Polar Urals” Project power unit. This power plant is an entity of wholesale electricity market and is included into the summary forecasted balance of electric power generation and supply within the framework of UES of Russia.