Dmitry Kobylkin, Governor of the Yamalo-Nenetz Autonomous District, visited Kurgan HPP-2
30 November 2011
Accompanied by the Kurgan region Governor Oleg Bogomolov, Dmitry Kobylkin and the YNAD delegation members visited the power house, familiarized themselves with the main equipment and the thermal power distribution scheme. At the plant the guests were welcomed by General Director of CJSC “Intertechelectro” Vladimir Babyak, General Director of LLC "Intertechelectro - New Generation" Stanislav Karapetyan and Executive Director of Kurgan HPP-2 Narkis Galiaskarov. Dmitry Kobylkin and Oleg Bogomolov were updated on the plant preparation for commissioning.
To date the main equipment installation at Kurgan HPP-2 has been completed and commissioning work is in progress. Preparation for the gas turbine barring is underway. Installation of the steam turbine and waste heat recovery boiler interconnecting piping is nearing completion. The gas and water pipelines, as well as the water treatment plant have been installed. Finishing work is in progress in the power house, installation of the instrumentation, ventilation system and auxiliary electrical equipment has been completed. Construction of the buildings and installation of the equipment, relevant to the gas treatment station, circulating pumping station, sewage pumping station and the cooling tower has been completed. The utility building and gate-house have been erected; finishing work is underway in the administration building. Installation of the stack pipes and water tanks has been completed. The 110kV outdoor switchgear, power transformers and the relay room equipment have been installed. The 110kV outdoor switchgear has been energized.
Kurgan HPP-2 will consist of two 111MW power generating units. Each power generating unit will include a 76MW General Electric PG 6111FA gas turbine, a 35MW Siemens SST-400 steam cogeneration turbine and a Ses Tlmace HRSG. The HPP installed electric capacity totals 222MW, its thermal output amounts to 250Gcal/h. The Kurgan HPP-2 construction will help to substantially improve the power service in the Kurgan region and create prerequisites for the city and region social and economic development.