Preparation of working documents for the following projects:
- 110 MW Combined-Cycle Plant Construction Project, Vologda CHP (PEC exercises the General Designer functions);
- 315 MW Priobskaya GTTPP Project (as the General Designer);
- Kurgan CHP-2 Project, 222 MW of electric power and 250 Gcal/hr of heat output, as well as construction of the infrastructure (heat pipelines, power transmission lines, water pipelines (investment substantiation completed; PEC is the General Designer);
- Noyabrsk CCGTPP Project, 122,6 MW of electric output and 95 Gcal/hr of heat (the building owner-engineer functions within the enclosure; PEC is the General Designer of the entire infrastructure, specifically: heat pipelines, power transmission lines, recirculated water cooling systems).
- 431 MW Razdan CHP power unit #5 modernization
- 220 MW Chelyabinsk CHP-3 3rd power unit