LLC “Noyabrsk CCPP” and LLC “Kurgan CHPP-2” topped the Generating Companies Efficiency Rating

06 June 2016

LLC “Noyabrsk CCPP” and LLC “Kurgan CHPP-2” topped the Generating Companies Efficiency Rating, which was prepared by the experts of NP “The Market Council”. Noyabrsk CCPP and Kurgan CHPP-2 are acknowledged to be the best in 2015, based on the criterion: “Generating equipment performance efficiency”.  

Based on the annual rating "Generation companies: operating efficiency of generating equipment", LLC Noyabrsk CCPP is for the fourth time in a row recognized as the best in Russia, LLC Kurgan CHPP is rated second-best. The honorary rewards confirming high performance by both generation companies, were handed to Stanislav Karapetyan, the CEO of LLC Intertechelectro — New Generation, at an annual General Meeting of the Members of the NP Market Council Association, which was held in Moscow on June 3.

The rating of the generating company efficiency in the market is calculated and published by NP “The Market Council” - an organization, consolidating sellers and buyers of electricity. The purpose of the rating is to assess and compare the efficiency of power plants, functioning within the wholesale market price zones, in terms of maintaining the generating equipment availability and the workload optimization.

When working on the rating, the experts assess the level of the equipment availability to produce electricity and efficiency of the main production capacities utilization by the generating companies (installed capacity utilization factor). The rating results reflect the level of capacity utilization by the generating capacities and the way the companies maintain the equipment in serviceable condition. The rating represents performance results of 72 companies in Russia, which include more than 400 power plants.

Noyabrsk CCPP is the first large power generating facility, built by an independent private investor, after restructuring of the Russian power industry. The power plant was put into service on November 19, 2010 and is one of the most up-to-date power generation facilities in the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area. The installed electric power of the plant makes 122,6 MW, its thermal power amounts to 95 Gcal/h.

Kurgan CHPP-2 is technically one of the most advanced power generating facilities in the territory of the Ural Federal District. The power plant was put into operation on March 4, 2014. The installed electric power of the plant makes 226 MW, the thermal power amounts to 250 Gcal/h.