“Intertechelectro” is recognized as the engineering company of the year

02 December 2011

CJSC “Intertechelectro” has been recognized as the Engineering Company of the Year within the framework of the Annual Award Procedure: “End-of-Year Results in the Urals and Siberia – 2011”

At the award ceremony Tamara Markel, head of the Yekaterinburg branch of the “Intertechelectro” design department, was awarded a winner’s certificate and a commemorative.

In 2011 “Intertechelectro” completed the construction of power generating unit No3 with a 220MW capacity at Chelyabinsk HPP-3, owned by JSC “Fortum”, and a 315MW GTPP at the Priobskoye field of LLC “RN-Yuganskneftegas”. The Company is involved in the project of the power generating system modernization in the Kurgan region. Commissioning work is in progress at the 222MW Kurgan HPP-2, construction of the 25MW Kurgan miniHPP is underway; project options for the alternative energy development in the region are being explored.

The annual award procedure (“End-of-Year Results in the Urals and Siberia”) is held in Yekaterinburg to identify and honor with awards those politicians and businessmen from the seven regions of the Urals and Siberia, whose work has been particularly successful in the year under review. The award procedure is initiated by “UralPolit.Ru”, an expert channel, supported by the administration of the RF Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Ural Federal District. The Award-winner selection was facilitated by over 600 experts (representatives of all branches of government, medium-sized and large businesses, political analysts, journalists). Based on their work a list of candidates was drawn up for awards in 22 categories, relevant to the realm of politics, economics and special categories.