Power generation
Noyabrsk CCGT PP 2nd unit has been successfully tested
12 August 2010

The Noyabrsk (YNAD) CCGT PP 2nd unit equipment comprehensive testing and working capacity approval has been successfully conducted.
The Noyabrsk CCGT power plant is one of the most innovative facilities of such kind in Russia. The power units comprise the 42 MW General Electric PG6581 gas turbine, HRSG produced by OJSC «ZIO-Podolsk» and 20 MW steam turbine (OJSC «Kaluga turbine plant»).
The station installed electric capacity is 122.6 MW, the thermal one being 95 Gcal/h. This power plant is an entity of wholesale electricity market and is included into the summary forecasted balance of electric power generation and supply within the framework of UES of Russia.