Power generation
<nobr>Pre-Construction</nobr> Operations Started at Noyabrsk Combined Cycle Generation Plant
This day the a first pile has been driven for an auxiliary administrative building at the combined cycle generation plant.
Combined Cycle Generation Plant Construction Project at Noyabrsk Will Be Presented by <nobr>Intertechelectro-New</nobr> Generation at 4th Annual International Business Forum «Oil, Gas, and Petrochemistry» at Barcelona (Spain).
A combined cycle generation plant construction project at Noyabrsk will be presented by
New Power Plant at Noyabrsk Will Meet Essential Environmental Requirements
On September 22, the Town of Noyabrsk will see a public hearing concerning an environmental impact assessment of a new combined cycle generation plant (CCGP) scheduled for construction in the western sector of the town by 2010.
Noyabrsk Will See Its Own Power Plant
A combined cycle generation plant (CCGP) is expected to be constructed at Noyabrsk. It will have to ensure electric power supplies to nearby fields and heat for new housing blocks, improve reliability of the municipal power supply system.